Once a town located south of Lima and accessed by train or tram, Barranco is now a bohemian district, full of old houses where you can find restaurants, pubs and art galleries.

All 3D models have been made to be seen using Google Earth. Download this freeware software here ( ) and take a trip through the streets of Barranco and view its most distinctive buildings.

This is an independent project. No person or organization has supported or sponsored its creation, and it is intended to focus attention of institutions and authorities to preserve the monumental architecture of the district, that currently are very neglected and damaged.

This project won the 2010 Google "Model Your Town" competition.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

New Tang Dynasty Television - NTD.

A Google team arrived on August 10th to Peru, from the United States, to reward the Peruvian lawyer, Jorge De Albertis, winner of the international "Model your Town Competition" 2010, who used SketchUp as a tool to model the District of Barranco in 3D.
According to the contest, the winner must choose a school to which Google would donate $ 10,000. The prize was awarded to "Reino de España" public school in Barranco, who received the representatives of Google and De Albertis with a warm celebration.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Barranco 28, house in San Martin street #160.

This house, located in San Martin street, in Barranco (Lima, Peru) was built in 1906 and has been declared a historic monument.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Barranco 27, Casa Montero Bernales.

The Montero Bernales house was built and designed by architect Ricardo J. Malachowski in 1924, being its first owner Mr. Guillermo Billinghurst, Mayor of Lima and President of Peru. In 1936 it was acquired by Mr. Manuel Montero Bernales, Mayor of Barranco. In 1979 was acquired by the Bachmann spouses and in 1987 it was declared a historic monument. In 2010 it was restored to to host the architecture design & decoration exhibition "Casacor Peru 2010".